24 essential Fallout 76 tips to know before you play

24 essential Fallout 76 tips to know before you play

These Fallout 76 tips will keep you alive and less Fallout 76 Items radioactive than usual in the West Virginia Wasteland

If Wastelanders has tempted you back or brought you in then some Fallout 76 tips might be in order to bring you up to speed. There's a lot to take in when you first start Fallout 76 and the MMO shape of things means things can operate a little differently to both more traditional games, and Fallout itself.

With that in mind these Fallout 76 tips will help gain XP and caps, complete missions avoid starving or dying of thirst, pick the best perks and... well, yes, we said there was a lot to take in. Read on now for a guiding hand in the wilderness.

One of the biggest new features in Fallout 76 is its Thirst and Hunger meters. Don’t read that and panic - this isn’t hardcore survival: staying well-fed and well-hydrated simply improves you Action Point regeneration and your disease resistance, so don’t ignore the meters. If you make the ill-informed decision to neglect them you’ll find yourself more susceptible to disease as well as lacking in AP. Not good. As long as you have some Boiled Water or Crispy Squirrel Bits on hand you just need to make sure you eat them every real-time hour or so. Hover over items in the Aid section of your inventory and you’ll be able to see the percentage of Thirst or Hunger they refills, so as long as you choose what to eat carefully you won’t waste a Salisbury Steak on refilling 10% of your Hunger meter.

Yeah, you read that right. Food that’s harvested from mutated animals very rarely restores your HP, but they will restore your Hunger meter. A good rule of thumb is that things that have been boiled, canned, cooked, or are Pre-War will heal you, as well as the obvious Stimpacks or Healing Salve. Meat also spoils now, and you can tell how close it is to becoming gross (and very likely to disease you) by looking at its CND (condition) in your inventory. The lower the bar, the sooner it’ll be before it’s a pile of stinky icky muck.

When you harvest meat from a Brahmin, Opossum, Molerat, or Mongrel Dog, if you look at it in your inventory you’ll see that the hunk of flesh has a Disease Chance percentage. So, if you eat it without cooking it first, just like in real life you then have a chance of contracting a disease. The older the meat, the more likely it is to infect you with something horrible, and that goes double for spoiled meat. To cure yourself you’ll need to find or craft a Disease Cure. So if you’re in the habit of gorging yourself on whatever’s in your inventory you’ll want to keep a few bottles handy.

When you begin Fallout 76 you can complete challenges by doing the smallest things: from collecting wood, to harvesting a plant, to killing your first robot, each small action completes a challenge and gives you some Atoms and a nice little fanfare. These Atoms are used for the Fallout 76 microtransactions that buy various cosmetic items. While it’s not clear how they translate into real money just yet, if you spend enough time completing challenges you’ll find yourself rolling in Atoms in no time.

Seriously. You’ll need resources for crafting armour, weapons, chems, and mods (as well as building) so your Junk quickly becomes worth its weight in gold. You might be accustomed to ignoring Hairbrushes, Toy Trucks, Gold-Plated Lighters, or Ball-Peen Hammers when you find them in anything from a Feral Ghoul’s pocket to a chest of drawers, but out of all these Fallout 76 tips the one you should take to heart is pick up everything. Later on you can Cheap Fallout 76 Items break them down to use for weapons, or cannibalise them for building materials to bulk out your home base, but if there’s one thing I can guarantee it’s that you won’t regret having an inventory full of Junk.