A Guide to Preparing Yourself for the Upcoming Brelshaza Raid Information Regarding the Lost Ark and More at utplay.com

We are overjoyed to share the news that the Brelshaza raid for Lost Ark will be made available later on in this year

We are overjoyed to share the news that the Brelshaza raid for Lost Ark will be made available later on in this year. The following pieces of advice can be helpful to you if you want to get a head start on the raid and be ready to participate in it as soon as it becomes available, both of which are goals that you should pursue. The operation is planned to take place in December, but this timeline is contingent on the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances, which could cause further setbacks. You should only make preparations for the raid if you want to access the newest content in the game as soon as it becomes available. In other words, you shouldn't make preparations for the raid unless you want to play the game. In the event that there are additional problems with your account that require your attention, the sequence in which you resolve these problems is of the utmost significance.

Brelshaza Raid OverviewThere are a total of eight players and six gates involved in the conflict in Brelshaza. You will be able to take part in the raid in any of its difficulties, including Deja Vu, Normal, and Hard, depending on which mode you choose. Because the minimum item level requirement for Deja Vu mode is only 1430, you can think of it as a mode very similar to the practice mode. You should only use the new practice mode if your item level is not yet high enough for you to participate in the normal or hard modes of the game. This is because the new practice mode will be subject to the same weekly lockout as the normal and hard modes of the game.

Tickets, which can be traded in for honing materials, are dropped in all three of the game's difficulty levels. Tickets are dropped throughout the game. It is highly unlikely that players will be able to access Hard Mode on the same day that the raid is made available; rather, the difficulty setting will be unlocked at some point in the future after the raid has been made available. You can check out the infographic that was created by the community if you want a quick and easy visual breakdown of what you need to do to get ready for the Brelshaza raid. It will show you everything that you need to know and will provide you with a quick and easy way to do so.

Crafting Brelshaza Armor, whether on Normal or Hard mode, will result in: In addition, you will receive the same quantity of materials for crafting. On the other hand, Hard mode will have the chance to drop Crystals, while Normal mode will only have the chance to drop Horns. In Normal Mode, you will be able to access the new maximum level of 1590 once you have reached the level cap of +20. After completing the Hard difficulty setting, players will be able to access the newly added maximum item level of 1615 +25.

To make your armor, you'll need forty different materials, while making your weapons will require one hundred different materials. There is no distinction between the costs of crafting in Normal Mode and Hard Mode; however, the materials required for each difficulty level are distinct from one another. To successfully craft the new weapons, you will need to gather one hundred different types of materials.

You will need items for crafting in order to acquire a piece of armor during the first week of the adventure. After completing the first clear, you will receive 30 materials for crafting, and the first four gates will grant you an additional 28 materials over the course of the game. With this addition, there are now a total of 58 different materials that can be used in crafting. If you are successful in both auctions, you will not only be able to obtain ten more crafting materials, but you will also be able to produce more than one piece of armor in a single week. This is because you will have the opportunity to participate in two separate auctions.


After completing content with a difficulty level of 1490 or higher, you will unlock access to a new tier of honing materials. Each time you complete a challenge of this caliber, you will progress to the next level. To convert the materials from one tier to the next, you can use the materials from the previous tier at a ratio of 5:1, but you will need quite a few honor shards to do so. However, this will allow you to convert the materials more quickly. If you need some materials to sharpen your equipment, now is a good time to go out and farm for them because the weather is nice and the harvest is plentiful. You should make sure that you have an adequate supply of Fused Leapstones and Honor Shards before the raid is made available to the general public.

Cheese Strategy for Week One The Lost Ark community has uncovered a cheese strategy that can be used for G3+4 during the first week itself at a reduced cost if the soft reset is used. This strategy can only be used if the soft reset is used. If you are currently at level 1490 or higher, it is strongly suggested that you make use of the cheese strategy.

You are permitted to leave one piece at +19, and ideally, the piece you choose to leave there should be the one with the highest value in your collection. It is recommended that players who specialize in dealing direct damage use their gloves for this task, while support players use their chests. In order to acquire Horns, you will first need to complete Brelshaza Gates 1 and 2. You will need to hone a piece of equipment, preferably a weapon, to a level of +21 in order to bring its item level up to the maximum of 1500. Now that you are ready, you should finish the Brelshaza Gate 3+4 quest at level 1500 you are currently at. This is an efficient strategy for retaining some of the honing material in the finished product.

You can also use the same strategy to finish all six gates, which is recommended because it is one of the most effective ways to cut down on the amount of honing materials you use. If you do this, you will save a lot of honing materials. Examining the Brelshaza infographic, which was made by a person named Civo who is a part of the Lost Ark community, will provide you with a graphical breakdown of the information. This infographic illustrates the number of resources that are preserved.

Improving the Operating Capacity of Your Gear After LiftoffIf you've played Lost Ark for a while, the vast majority of this advice is probably something you already know off the top of your head. If, on the other hand, you are a more novice player, I have a few tips for you that will help you advance through the levels more quickly. Bear in mind that you can still complete the practice mode and earn rewards even if your character does not meet the requirements for the raid. This is something you should keep in mind at all times. It is rewarding for players who are not quite capable of doing normal mode just yet and shares the same weekly lockout as normal mode. Players who are not quite capable of doing normal mode just yet.

Should it turn out that you are currently located atRelic Bracelets will be available to players with a level of 1490 or higher, and Ancient Bracelets and Accessories will be available to players with a level of 1540 or higher. Wearing bracelets is your best bet for gaining additional statistics and effects that are not found anywhere else in the game. The maximum value that can be added to two different Combat stats by a Relic is only 100, whereas Ancients can add up to 120 to each of those stats. It is the best way to get the most out of your build and make the most of its potential.

Ancient Accessories and Relics both have the same Combat Stats, but Ancient Accessories can have much higher main stats and have a chance to roll +6 +3 instead of +5 +3 on engravings, which can make a significant difference. Relics share the same Combat Stats. In addition to that, you should concentrate on acquiring Ancient Accessories. The Combat Stats for these accessories are the same as those for relics.

The competition for the Lost Ark is not a race but rather a marathon instead. You are not required to complete all of the content on the first day. Instead, you are free to take it easy and complete the activities at your own pace. This can be especially helpful if you are falling behind on the game's progression.

We have access to a number of other raids and advanced classes in addition to the Brelshaza Legion Raid, such as the Calligos Guardian Raid and the Summoner class. The Galiligos Guardian Raid in particular has piqued our interest because he is without a doubt one of the most well-designed bosses that we have come across so far in the game. We have been playing through the game for quite some time. A holiday event is also expected to take place around the time that Christmas rolls around, and it is expected that there will be some activities that will be enjoyable for everyone to participate in. We do not have any information regarding what to anticipate in 2023 and beyond; however, the developers have assured us that very soon there will be a complete list of updates for the upcoming months, along with updates for the store, and events. We do not have any information regarding what to anticipate in 2023 and beyond.